Biodiversity Awareness.

Use your platform to create a buzz around biodiversity.

As an organisation you have a fantastic opportunity to use your platform to help raise awareness of the biodiversity crisis and help employees, customers, partners and all other stakeholders gain an understanding of what the issues are and how we can all make a difference.  

At YourPact, we therefore work with you to deliver biodiversity awareness promotional projects, which are cost effective and which can make a considerable difference in a short timeframe. These include activities such as:

  • Wildflower seed giveaways

  • Regenerative farm tours

  • Stakeholder presentations

  • Local green project support


These projects can really help engagement levels and increase awareness of our dependency on biodiversity – from pollinators and healthy soils to keeping our eco-systems in balance. They are also a fantastic opportunity for you to be able to create content and use digital platforms to engage stakeholders with your biodiversity strategy.

Why is biodiversity awareness important?

Not only are biodiversity awareness activities a great way to engage stakeholders with combating the biodiversity crisis, these projects are also beneficial to raising awareness of how connecting with nature can support both our mental and physical health. A study published by DEFRA, in association with The University of Exeter and the Environmental Centre for Environment and Human Health, identified how the link between nature and humans is absolutely critical for maximising quality of life. The report stated that supporting biodiversity and accessible green spaces can reduce mortality, stress, obesity, and increase the number of healthy pregnancies. These projects are therefore crucial to improving our understanding of the need for all of us to be able to access green space, as concerns over access to nature continue to grow.

What do these projects involve?

As with all our projects, we will work with you to decide on the best strategy and action plan for your business. Whether it is wildflower donations to customers or getting hands-on with local projects, we will create a strategy to make the maximum impact to both your organisation and the natural world.

How much do biodiversity awareness activities cost?

Biodiversity awareness projects are often a cost-effective first step for organisations finding their feet when it comes to biodiversity strategy. The costs vary per project, depending on scope and requirements. However, we are confident we can work within your budget to engage audiences and encourage us all to consider our impact.

Do you want to help raise awareness?

Get in touch to find out more.